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Apr 20, 2021

Herbal medicine, or "the people's medicine," is an empowering and accessible way of profoundly treating our bodies and systems. My guest today, Rebecca Luna of Rebecca's Herbal Apothecary here in Boulder, Colorado, says working with the plants and their medicine is "everyone's birthright."

Rebecca is kind of a famous...

Apr 12, 2021

You may recognize this beautiful face and voice from a previous episode. I invited Kate Kripke back onto the podcast to dive even deeper into some crucial subjects as the evolution of these wild times continues. I have infinite respect and admiration for Kate and her work in the world and value our connection immensely....

Apr 5, 2021

Bridging the gap between men and women feels as though it is a mission of mine. Having conversations that are not necessarily comfortable about the wounding and dysfunction that so often shows up in intimate and romantic relationships is a topic that needs to be spoken about. 

Today’s episode is a...